FortranEmacs Progrmmer's Text Editor

FortranEmacs ia a language-sensitive programmer's text editor designed specifically for developing and maintaining Fortran programs on Silicon Graphics computers. Multi-window and full-screen, FortranEmacs features all of the commands and functionality of UniPress Emacs plus Fortran-specific functions including parentheses and braces checking and syntax expansion. Fortran constructs contain bubbles, which "pop" when characters are typed into them. FortranEmacs' special tags package helps manage projects involving multiple source files. FortranEmacs includes the MLisp programming language for customization, "zoom" for displaying code to a given nesting level, communication with the operating system through command shell windows, and context-sensitive help.

Mina Engelson

Sales Representative
UniPress Software, Ltd.
2025 Lincoln Highway
Edison, NJ 08817