ANDROM EDE(R) constitutes an interface which offers normalized environments to integrate any development tools set. It is possible to use this software on different computers which work with UNIX or VMS. ANDROM EDE manages any objects (sources, documents, etc.) using its own database; relations between the different objects are those based on production process. It supports all the practical features of the mixing of development, maintenance, and archive activities. It gives a unique identification to each object so that the database can increase in the space (variants) and in the time (successive version), and guarantees the consistency of the issuing software. Several projects can live simultaneously, sharing or not common components.
An X Motif interface is available.
Monique D'Hulst
Ingenieur Commercial ESLOG 4 Bis Burospace Bievres, Cedex 91571 France 011-33-69-85-51-51 fax:011-33-69-85-50-18