uni-XEDIT is a UNIX implementation of IBM's VM/CMS system editor, XEDIT. uni-XEDIT will provide an immediately productive editing environment for IS professionals with an IBM mainframe background. It is a full screen, full feature text editor that can also be expanded by writing macro commands and macro prefix commands through the uni-REXX system control language. uni-XEDIT includes a complete on-line help system, a full set of over 70 editor commands including those for file processing, positioning and data modification. "Target" flexibility allows for selection of specific sets of lines to perform selective global operations. Multiple windows allow several files or different portions of the same file to be edited simultaneously.
Marlena Elias
Intergalactic Sales Manager The Workstation Group, Ltd. 6300 N. River Road Rosemont, IL 60018 USA 800-228-0255 fax:708-696-2277 sales@wrkgrp.com