CDR provides products and services that will enhance the ability of small- to medium sized companies, as well as individuals, to enter the world of desktop CD-ROM publishing. CDR Publisher is a CD-ROM premastering software which supports industry standards such as ISO 9660 with Rock Ridge Extension and High Sierra formats. It organizes users' data and creates a CD-ROM image with optimized disc layout which can be used for internal distribution or replicated for mass distribution.
Premastering features of CDR Publisher include cross-platform (UNIX, PC) support, multiple output media and automatic file conversion for specified standards. The product supports multiple source trees residing on different disks or networks, directories with extensions, as well as both hard and soft links.
Deborah Wagner
Marketing & Sales Rep Creative Digital Research 7291 Coronado Drive San Jose, CA 95129 USA 408-255-0999 fax:408-255-1011