SoftQuad Sculptor(tm)

SoftQuad Sculptor(tm) the application builder, is the developer toolkit that gives VARs, integrators, corporate in-house developers, and SoftQuad's own integration group the ability to customize SoftQuad Author/Edito(tm)r and integrate it into existing systems. It includes Author/Editor(tm), sample scripts, and a fully documented, object-oriented scripting language. You can automate functions and make Author/Editor(tm) work exactly how your users want it to work.

Available on Windows (min. 80386 with 8MB), Macintosh (min. 68030 with 8MB), and several UNIX platforms and operating systems.

Steve Downie

Director of Sales
SoftQuad, Inc.
56 Aberfoyle Crescent
Suite 810
Toronto, Ontario M8X 2W4