Cadre's ObjectTeam for Shlaer-Mellor provides complete and comprehensive automation of the popular Shlaer-Mellor methodology for object-oriented analysis and design. ObjectTeam for Shlaer-Mellor's analysis tool enables users to quickly and easily construct a graphic representation of a system that focuses on objects and their relationships. It also ensures the quality of specifications with its automated checking for accuracy, completeness, syntax, and correct referencing. Its design tool allows designers to create, view, and modify design elements graphically, and verifies the completeness and consistency of the design. ObjectTeam for Shlaer Mellor also automates the production of documentation.
TeleProfessional Services
Cadre Technologies, Inc. 222 Richmond Street Suite 301 Providence, RI 02903 USA 401-351-5950 fax:401-455-6800