QA Partner(tm)

QA Partner(tm) is a cross-platform, automated software testing tool designed specifically for graphical user interface (GUI) environments. It is based on an object-oriented paradigm that operates on screen controls as logical GUI objects, not screen locations. Test suites created once can be maintained through future releases. QA Partner tests use object names to find and activate window objects and verify their contents, behaviors, and structures. Exploiting the logical and functional similarities among GUI environments enables QA Partner to port complete test suites across multiple platforms. QA Partner currently supports GUIs such as Microsoft(tm) Windows(tm), Apple Macintosh(tm), and OSF/Motif(R) on Sun, HP, IBM, DEC, SGI, and SCO. Versions supporting both IBM OS/2 Presentation Manager(tm) and Microsoft Windows NT(tm) are due for release during the first quarter of 1994.

Paul Maguire

Vice President, Sales
Segue Software
1320 Centre Street
Suite 400
Newton, MA 02159