
View.h++(tm) is a programming tool aimed at C++ developers designing OSF.Motif(tm) applications. Its primary function is assisting in the creation of the user interface portion of application development.

View.h++(tm) is a complete C++ interface to OSF/Motif. Supporting both Motif 1.1 and Motif 1.2, it offers 100% Motif coverage, including "drag and drop," tear-off menus, frame constraints, wide character string functions, update widgets and convenience functions. In addition, View.h++(tm) fully supports X11R5, and also offers shared library support. It is built on top of Roque Wave's industry standard Tool.h++(tm) foundation class library.

Matt Steinauer

Marketing Manager, GUI Products
Rogue Wave Software, Inc.
PO Box 2328
Corvallis, OR 97339