FLIGHTLAB(tm) is a software tool for computer-aided modeling and analysis of nonlinear dynamic systems. Models are generated by instancing, connecting and assigning data to components from a library of structural, aerodynamic and control components. This is accomplished through a high level interpretive simulation language consistent with the MATLAB syntax. An interactive graphical user interface allows the user to automatically create the model script from a schematic representation of the selected components and their connectivity. An X-based interface supports interactive analysis of developed models and provides configuration management to expedite the capability for modular reusable architectures. Automatic parallelization and frame scheduling expedites generation of real time models from the interpretive development environment.
Donna Carrig
Financial Manager Advanced Rotorcraft Technology, Inc. 1685 Plymouth Street Suite 250 Mountain View, CA 94043 USA 415-968-1464 fax:415-968-1978 ron@art.com