Recital(R) v7.3 is a unique fourth generation application development environment (4GL). Its Client/Server architecture is ideal for open-systems oriented application development and system migration. Developers can utilize Rectal(R)'s unique combination of power tools with functionally rich interfaces which are crafted into a fully integrated environment. All of the 4GL tools can be used to build applications and is fully portable to over 70 additional UNIX platforms. The Recital(R) "Toolset" includes a revolutionary object-oriented active data dictionary, event-driven triggers, before and after image journaling, screen painter, report writer, pop-up and pull-down menuing, dialog boxes, SQL, Fourth Generation Language and full network support. Recital(R) includes Open Applications Programming Interface (API) snd is compatible with dBase IV, dBase III+, Fox and Clipper.
Steve Collins
Managing Director Real Time Associates Ltd. Canning House, 59 Canning Road Croydon, Surrey CR0 6QF UK 011-44-81-656-7333 fax:011-44-81-655-0401