EXTACY(tm) contains both a Modula-2 and Oberon-2 compiler to allow Modula-2 (or Pasca;) users to migrate to Oberon-2. Both the EXTACY(tm) compilers generate ANSI C as interrmediate code-preserving original program design, quality and meaning. EXTACY(tm) can therefore be used as a seamless Modula-2 or Oberon-2 compiler, or as a C code genorator. A part from generating the ANSI C, EXTACY(tm) can be simply switched to produce older forms of C code. EXTACY(tm) provides the software engineer with the opportunity to design and write truly portable programs in a much higher, object-oriented, comprehensible and safer language.

Steve Collins

Managing Director
Real Time Associates Ltd.
Canning House, 59
Canning Road
Croydon, Surrey CR0 6QF