PHIGURE is a high-level 2-D/3-D graphics library, developed using PHIGS (ISO 9592) for the construction, visualization, and animation of both simple and complex graphic objects. It greatly simplifies software development for engineers who wish to create scientific applications with robust functions using Cartesian, polar, or other coordinates for drawing axes, 2-D and 3-D surfaces, curves, histograms, and pie charts. PHIGURE also allows interactive color manipulation and management of image perspective. PHIGURE is delivered with GPHIGS for hardware independence, fast development and portability. It can be used in an X-Windows(tm)/Motif(tm) or other environment. Available with Fortran and C bindings.
Jean-Pascal Butte
Marketing & Sales Manager G5G S.A. Buromaster 18 Ave. Francois Sommer Antony, CEDEX 92167 France 011-33-142 37 6666 fax:011-33-142 37 2715