ArchiText supports the development of documents in any language for which there is a LDL grammar. LDL (Language Description Language) may be viewed as an extended form of BNF, distinguishing between abstract and concrete syntax, and supporting multiple output formats. There is no restriction on the set of context-free grammars that can be described by LDL (e.g.. the grammar does not need to be LALR (k) or LL (k) ).
LDL grammars are available for Pascal, Eiffel, Ada, C/C++, and smalltalk, and of course LDL itself. Users can write new grammars or tailor existing grammars to support in-house styles or documentation standards.
Darcy Harrison
Director of Marketing Interactive Software Engineering, Inc. 270 Storke Road Suite 7 Goleta, CA 93117 USA 805-685-1006 fax:805-685-6869