Max is a graphical programming environment for developing applications. First written for the Apple Macintosh computer, it has been ported to the Ircam Music Workstation (ISPW: NeXT computer with high-speed Intel 1860 based multiprocessors), as well as DEC and SGI computers. Historically, it has been developed as a Midi control program and has been extended on the NeXT to perform signal processing and synthesis.
Max is now used by thousands of musicians and sound engineers and research either for studio, broadcast and live multimedia. Distributed by Opcode Systems (USA) for the Macintosh version 3.0, it will be available from Ircam for the SGI version by the end of 1994.
Vincent Puis
Marketing Director IRCAM 1 Place Stravinsky Paris, 75004 France 011-33-1-44-78-67-60 fax:011-33-1-42-77-29-67