Audio Image(tm) SoundCube(tm)

The Audio Image(tm) SoundCube(tm) provides a complete Audio Imaging system for developers who require high performance, real-time 3-D sound for any application. Using the SoundCube software toolkit, multiple sound objects can be manipulated simultaneously. Sound objects can easily be placed within an environment, can be attached to graphical or other objects, or be free floating. Any data source can control sound placement, including input from gloves and trackers. Sound source sampling and generation is handled by the Digital Sampling Acquisition/Control system(tm) (SACS(tm)), an external device coupled to the host via high-speed interface. Included with the SoundCube system are SACS, CodeGuide, Diagnostic Tools, and a starter SoundBase(tm), a data base of sounds.

Cynthia Traegar

President & CEO
Visual Synthesis, Inc.
4126 Addison Road
Fairfax, VA 22030