RGB/Videolink(R) 1600U

The RGB/Videolink(R) 1600U transforms high resolution computer graphics to television format in real time. It automatically syncs to all computer signals up to 1280 x 1024 pixel resolution, interlaced or non-interlaced. In addition, the RGB/Videolink(R) 1600U offers a unique double scan rate output for high quality video projection. It is only scan converted capable of both videotaping and projection.

The RGB/Videolink(R) 1600U offers pan and zoom, and a keyer for overlaying on video. The RGB/Videolink facilitates professional quality videotaping without the flicker, roll bars and color desaturation of other methods.

Jeff Hartson

Vice President, Sales
RGB Spectrum
950 Marina Village Pkwy.
Alameda, CA 94501