3D Datasets(tm) DataShop(tm)

Datasets(tm) are 3D data representations of physical objects and motion paths for use with over 50 software applications. Products are marketed for animation and visualization through catalogs and Viewpoint's DataShop CD-ROM. The CDs contain encoded versions of Viewpoint's library formatted for specific software applications. Customers can browse the CD-ROM, select an object, and call for a code which unlocks the data for instant use. Real-time Datasets optimized for simulation, games, and virtual reality applications are featured in a separate catalog. Viewpoint also provides custom digitizing services. Call 1-800-DATASET or 801-224-2222 for a free catalog and/or CD-ROM.

John F. Mellor

Vice President, Business Developmen
Viewpoint DataLabs International
870 W. Center Street
Orem, UT 84057
compuserve 76226,2603