
Modam(tm) V1.0 is a graphical modeling and animation tool that provides an inexpensive alternative to high-priced animation packages. In Modam, you define objects in terms of geometric primitives (plastics, cubes, cones, spheres, etc.). Model definitions are entered in an interactive environment that offers traditional drafting views (top, bottom, side and perspective). The defined primitives are then grouped to form bodies. The bodies may in turn be driven in an animation sequence by externally provided motion data.

Modam can be used in many applications that require easily produced, low cost animation sequences. This includes robotics, spacecraft dynamics, advertising, the automotive industry, etc.

Javier E. Benavente

General Manager, Business Planning
Dynacs Engineering Company, Inc.
28870  U.S. 19 North
Suite 405
Clearwater, FL 34621