The METAEDITOR(R) 2.0, running on the Silicon Graphics Iris sreies, is the most powerful, easy-to-use, and efficeint modeling software of its kind utilizing 3-D primitives called metaballs which allow the construction of complex organic shapes with an amazingly small amounts of primitives. With its ability to output ready-to-render models in metaball and polygon formats, the METAEDITOR(R) complements any computer graphics system. ALso avaliable is an option called Primitive Animation, allowing one toe create fluid animations within the METAEDITOR(R). The METAEDITOR(R) has been used for creating 3-D characters, and medical illustrations, achieving results unmatched by any other modeler.

Bruno Tsuchiya

Int'l Marketing Manager
META Corporation Japan
Hanabusayama Heights #103
3-10-51 Kamiohsaki
Tokyo, 141