STAAD-III/ISDS is an integrated software system for structural analysis, design and drafting. Available since 1978, STAAD-III/ISDS addresses all aspects of structural engineering in a single software system. Analysis facilities include linear and non-linear 2D/3D, static/dynamic, seismic/P-Delta analysis, frame/plate/shell elements and all possible loading and support conditions. Design facilities include STEEL/CONCRETE/ TIMBER/ALUMINUM design per current American and international codes. Extensive load generation facilities are available including moving loads (AASHTO and user provided), enhanced UBC seismic loads, Wind Loads, Floor Loads etc., Response Spectrum and Time History Loads. Graphics facilities include interactive model generation and elaborate verification capabilities like plotting of structure geometry, deflected shapes, bending moment, shear force diagrams, stress contours etc.

STAAD-III/ISDS is folly integrated with an AutoCAD based structural drafting and model generation software called AutoSTAAD. Structural drafting facilities include generation of framing plans/sections/elevations, foundation plans, steel/concrete/timber details etc.

Hardware platforms supported include 386/486 PCs, workstations:

(SUN, IBM R6000, HP/Apollo, DEC, Silicon Graphics, Intergraph) and mainframes (IBM, PRIME, DEC).

Abhijit Oak

Senior Software Developer
Research Engineers, Inc.
22700 Savi Ranch Pkwy.
Yorba Linda, CA 92687