JT/ID Software Development Kit (SDK)

The JT/ID Software Development Kit (SDK) provides any CAD software developer with a cost effective way to integrate interference analysis technology within an application family. The JT/ID SDK includes source code for the CAD interface (ADS for AutoCAD or MDL for MicroStation), allowing programmers to easily control the look and feel of the user interface. The JT/ID SDK also includes object libraries, class libraries, documentation, and source code for interfacing with the JT/ID analysis routines. Advanced features include suppression of interferences with the JT/ID analysis routines. Advanced features include suppression of interferences based on rules and acceptable interferences. Requires SGI IRIS Developers Option and minimum 16 MB memory.

Sales Department

Jacobus Technology, Inc.
7901 Beechcraft Avenue
Gaithersburg, MD 20879