APDesign Release 7.0

APDesign is a 3D modeling AutoCAD application program consisting of six modules which automate the creation of building design and documentation used by architects, builders, designers, draftsmen, and surveyors. The Architect Module creates a 3D model of any type of building as you draw the floor plan. The Quantity Module produces a bill of materials from the 3D model, expandable to a cost schedule. The Survey Module generates contours, sections, cut and fill from spot levels entered from the keyboard or read in from XYZ data files. The Framing Module creates wall frame details of all stud walls in the model from which a cutting list can be extracted by the Quantity Module. The Render Module automatically attaches render material references to elements in the model for exporting to rendering programs. The Terrain Module produces contours, triangulation, lattice mesh and volume calculations from large sets of data points.

Brian W. Hunter

CADSOFT International
Hills Road
Closeburn, Queensland 4520
Compuserve: 100026,2115