
MicroStation(R) is a Computer-Aided Design(CAD) software package from Bentley Systems, Inc. It runs on the entire line of workstations from SGI including Indy(tm) and Indigo(R) series, taking advantage of their high powered graphics capabilities.

MicroStation is utilized in many different disciplines, including Architecture/Engineering/Construction (AEC), Automated Mapping and Facilities Management (AM/FM), Geographics Information Systems (GIS), Cartography, and Electronics and Electrical Engineering. MicroStation features excellent drafting, design, modeling, and visualization features, and is particularly well-suited to networked workgroup implementations. There are MicroStation implementations on the Apple Macintosh, Intel PCs, Windows NT computers, and most popular UNIX platforms.

Bentley Systems, Inc.
690 Pennsylvania Drive
Exton, PA 19341-1136