Win Silicon Graphics Gear

The WebWax Entry Form.

A Free Indy Workstation and Challenge S Server.

You are using this text-based form because you do not have access to a browser which can handle forms. Therefore, you should copy it, fill it in and email it to us (see bottom of form).

Name: ................................................................
Title: ...............................................................
Company: .............................................................
Street Address: ......................................................
City: ................................................................
State: ...............................................................
Zip/Postal code: .....................................................
Country: .............................................................
Email Address: .......................................................
Area Code and Phone: .................................................
Please list the URLs of WWW pages you've worked on, if any. Note: you are not required to have worked on a www page to enter, we'd just like to enjoy your work, if you've got any out there:

Make Your Own Waves

Answers to all questions can be found on the linked Make Your Own Waves page.

Are digital video and audio capabilities fully integrated on Indy, or just an option? Mark the appropriate answer with an 'X'

... Fully integrated     ... Just an option
Is it possible to get yourself or your business on the Web with just one Indy? Mark the appropriate answer with an 'X'

... Yes    ... No

What is the recommended system bus data throughput rate for a Web server? Mark the appropriate answer with an 'X'

...14.4kbps   ...28.8kbps   ...80MB/s   ...133MB/s   ...267MB/s

Serves Up!

Answers to all questions can be found on the linked Serves Up! page.

How many ethernet connections are built-in to this Challenge S server? Mark the appropriate answer with an 'X'

... 0    ... 1    ... 2

Thanks to a state-of-the-art file system and networking technology, what size files are still no problem for this server to manage? Mark the appropriate answer with an 'X'

... 1MB    ... 2MB    ... 100MB
... 200MB  ... 1GB    ... 2GB

What is the word that best describes the type of compatibility the Challenge S shares with other Silicon Graphics systems? Mark the appropriate answer with an 'X'

... Rh-factor    ... Color Scheme    ... Binary

OK. You've proven you've at least looked at the other pages. Now it's time to use your imagination. To truly express yourself.

How will you use Silicon Graphics technology to contribute to the Web?
(answers must be limited to 30 words or less)

You're nearly done. Just email your entry to and you'll be entered to win. Every question must be completely answered, all the answers must be correct, and your entry must be emailed to be eligible. Sorry no snail mail, fax, or phone entries.

Good luck.

Overview | Indy | Challenge S | Rules/Entry

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Copyright 1994 Silicon Graphics, Inc.