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Print production, often referred to as "prepress", typically encompasses image capture, color separation, retouching, proofing (Cromalin(R) and Matchprint(TM)), layout, assembly, stripping and imposition. Any prepress professional will tell you that these precision tasks must usually be completed either quickly or very quickly. As one printer quipped, "We don't have the time to do it over, we have to do it right."

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Silicon Studio solutions from Silicon Graphics address the exacting, time sensitive challenges of prepress with open system power and performance that until recently was only available in proprietary systems. Printers, publishers, in-house prepress facilities and service bureaus are finding that their most cost-effective stripping and trapping is now being done with Silicon Graphics technology. These professionals are able to do high-end retouching at a mid-range price, turning to extremely efficient, fast Silicon Graphics Challenge servers running OPI, RIP and print spooling applications, for high-resolution output to PostScript printers, proofers and imagesetters. Recently, the longtime manager at a large printer of annual reports and corporate brochures now implementing Silicon Studio solutions in its plant said, "My conservative estimate is that we'll be able to do ten times the stripping work we're doing at present."

Extraordinary increases in speed and productivity are not extraordinary at all with computers from Silicon Graphics. No business, from the smallest service bureau to the largest color printer, can afford to ignore the proven return on investment that this super fast, efficient technology brings with it.

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