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A decade ago, the Apple Macintosh computer revolutionized the publishing industry by bringing print production to the desktop. Today, publishing professionals are finding that they need much greater power and speed than even the newer Mac(TM) models offer. In order to stay competitive, many are choosing to expand their Macintosh environment by adding Silicon Graphics "Power Partners" such as Indy(TM) or Indigo2(TM), often in combination with one of the Challenge(TM) family of network resource servers. These Silicon Graphics servers function as a hub for managing data and peripheral devices.

Silicon Studio solutions allow the integration of Silicon Graphics technology while protecting previous investments through seamless connectivity with Macintosh, proprietary, and other existing systems. Ethernet is standard on all Silicon Graphics computers, enabling the powerful systems to be easily integrated as Apple-Share(TM) clients or servers in Macintosh networks. As a means of comparison, consider that Silicon Graphics' entry level Indy achieves 6.7 times the system bus throughput of the Quadra 840AV computers, which shares the same bus architecture as the Power Mac.

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In New York, at Newbridge Communications, where Silicon Studio solutions from Silicon Graphics are being used in a new state-of-the-art internal prepress facility, it's been found that complex RIPping and trapping functions can be performed on a RISC-based Silicon Graphics workstation nearly six times faster than on a conventional personal computer. And in creative studios, where designers may need to quickly load a 60MB image during a client meeting, or paint a 45MB image in real-time, Silicon Graphics delivers the power.

In fact, in any enterprise where time, compute power and precision are critical to revenues, where rapid processing of large files is a necessity, Silicon Graphics workstations are fast becoming an indispensable Power Partner to Macintosh.

Next Paragraph: Silicon studio for Designers, Artists, and Photographers