Designed for the Most Demanding Applications
Indy gives you a digital color video camera
(jpeg image size 24K),
an engaging user environment, and a host of digital
media tools, all at a remarkably low price. Indy is based upon the
MIPS(r) RISC R4000(r) family of processors with an extremely fast system
architecture, so it achieves the incredible application performance you've
come to expect from a Silicon Graphics system.
Over 1,800 applications
make Indy ideal for markets such as MCAD, color publishing, film and video,
software development, education, and media authoring. Whether you are a
creative or technical professional, Indy has the application performance you
require and the interactive media you want at the price you've been asking for.
CAD, Color Publishing, Film and Video
All major CAD applications fly on the full-range of
8-bit to 24-bit hardware accelerated graphics options. Previous color
barriers are exploded by Indy's unparalleled RIP speed and applications
such as Adobe Photoshop(TM) and high-end color pre-press packages. Indy
has everything you need for video or film
production from sophisticated
3D animation tools to breakthrough paint, special effects, compositing,
audio and editing applications.
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product information is also available.