Indy Presenter(tm) Flat Panel Display

The World's Most Scalable Flat Panel Display
Indy Presenter(tm) is the ideal display for those who demand powerful
application performance, portability, and high-quality output. Indy Presenter
is an active matrix LCD display that scales from a 12-inch direct-view display
to a 35-foot projected image. It integrates with the Indy(tm) workstation and
uses state-of-the-art LCD technology to provide superior color. Indy Presenter
is uniquely designed to double as two displays: a portable direct-view monitor
and a group presentation display when used with the Silicon Graphics(r) custom
Dukane overhead projector.
Dual-Use Flat Panel Technology

Indy Presenter, with its brilliant 12-inch 15-bit color direct-view display,
can also cover an entire projection screen using the Silicon Graphics custom
Dukane projector. In overhead projection mode, the display scales from a
four-foot diagonal for groups of five to ten, to a 35-foot diagonal projection
for audiences of 300 or more.
3D Models From a Flat Panel
Since Indy Presenter is a 15-bit color active matrix display, your images
and 3D models will spring to life in front of your audience. The LCD panel's
custom backlight with removable lightpipe offers crisp lighting across the
viewing area. Indy Presenter is driven digitally, creating a consistently
rock-steady image. Integrated personal stereo speakers work with the
standard Indy speaker to deliver digital-quality sound.
Silicon Graphics Custom Dukane Projector
The overhead projector can be carried more easily than a 14-inch monitor,
yet can project large diagonal displays for stunning presentations and
demonstrations. There is no need to call a technician to set up your projector
in advance. It uses our customized overhead projector that supplies 6,000
lumens of balanced white output light, integrated ducted cooling, and custom
Silicon Graphics Technology in a Shoulder Bag
With Indy and Indy Presenter in your Indybag(tm), a soft-sided shoulder bag
ideal for carry-on use, you can take the most powerful desktop system anywhere.
The unmatched application power of Indy and the high-impact Indy Presenter
display now let you take your ideas and data directly to the decision makers.
Easy Setup
Walk into your presentation with ten minutes to spare and plug in your Indy.
Simply remove the Indy Presenter backlight panel and lay the display onto
the Silicon Graphics custom Dukane high-output projector, focus the projector
knob, and begin your presentation on time. No need to schedule a projection
system to be delivered and then fiddle with controls.
For more information about the Flat Panel Display, see the
Technical Specifications for Indy Presenter.