As of November 10, 1993 Portable Graphics, Inc. is now shipping an X11 version of its NPGL library. Using Xlib, NPGL-X allows software originally developed for Silicon Graphics workstations with the IRIS GL 4.0 library to use Silicon Graphics workstations as X clients. Anyone with a color X11 server can then access NPGL-X applications remotely across the network. Neither the client nor the server requires special graphics acceleration hardware.
NPGL-X offers two ways to render. It uses standard Xlib primitives for flat-shaded, non-Z-buffered drawing. For higher quality rendering functions, such as Z-buffering or Gouraud shading, NPGL-X performs the rendering in its own buffers. However, for better performance, the user can bypass the NPGL-X renderers even when the higher level drawing modes are set. In either case, NPGL-X maintains a complete client-server model. The X server handles Xlib primitive rendering and GL window management, while the client maintains the GL state and executes the geometry pipeline. This approach allows the user to take advantage of the high-performance processing power of a single client while displaying on a variety of low-end X stations. NPGL-X supports double- buffered operations if the X server supports Xlib multi-buffering extensions.
NPGL-X offers three key benefits to software developers. First, simple 3-D applications meant for widespread use can be developed through IRIS GL's simplified windowing system and powerful GL-widgets. Secondly, NPGL-X performance is well suited for 3-D applications that use flat- shaded polygons, and 2-D or 3-D wire frame operations. These applications include instrumentation panel simulators, seismic charting, financial model simulators and electronic computer-aided design. Finally, NPGL-X also provides Gouraud shading and Z-buffering through software for applications that need these high-end 3-D functions.
NPGL-X complements the NPGL library, a hardware-independent version of IRIS GL 4.0 that takes full advantage of 3-D hardware acceleration available on Silicon Graphics workstations.
An NPGL-X Client Library provides unlimited X server access from a Silicon Graphics workstation and is priced at U.S. $1,900 for each host. An NPGL-X Development License for Silicon Graphics workstations is U.S. $3,600.
Portable Graphics (formerly Nth Portable Graphics) is headquartered in Austin, TX. The company develops and markets hardware independent GL- related graphics libraries and development tools for 3-D workstation- based applications.
For more information, contact
Portable Graphics, Inc. One Technology Center 2201 Donley Drive, Suite 365 Austin, Texas, 78758-4538 E-mail: Voice: (512) 908-4700 Fax: (512) 832-0752All prices are in U.S. dollars, and are subject to change without notice. NPGL and NPGL-X are trademarks of Portable Graphics, Inc. Silicon Graphics and IRIS are registered trademarks, and IRIS GL is a trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc. X Window System and X11 are trademarks of M.I.T. All other products mentioned in this article belong to their companies.