Future Additions to Grafica Obscura
Paul Haeberli
Oct 1994
I'm feverishly HTML hacking to make pages on the
following topics available. I should get to one of these
topics every week or so.
- Anti-aliased Text
- A demonstration of how anti-aliased text looks with 2, 3, 4,
8, 16, or 128 levels of gray.
- 2-D Interpolation for Image Processing
- Take a color image, create a blurred version of the original, and a
B/W version of the original. Place these in
a triangular configuration. tile the plane with copies derived by
linearly interpolating and extrapolating these "key" images
in 2 dimensions.
- Visual Acuity Test
- Put up two images on a page, one filtered to eliminate spatial
frequencies above a period of 4 pixels. Let people view the
images and determine for themselves the distance at which the two images
look identical. This distance can be used to calculate the visual acuity
of the viewer in cycles/degrees. This can be also used to determine an upper
bound for the resolution needed for desktop displays.
- An Edible Language
- A linguistic interpretation of complex foods. Different foods
act as nouns. Combination and transformation operations act as verbs.
- Conman - A Connection Manager
- An interactive data-flow environment for computer graphics.
Using graphically interconnected processes to create and modify interactive
graphics applications. This was originally published in Siggraph.
- Impression - Abstract Image Representations
- A simple technique for generating painted representations of
photographs. This was originally published in Siggraph.
- Image Processing Hacks
- NoiseZoom - adding noise to images after resizing.
LineZoom - thresholding images after resizing to make nice line art.
BrightCorr - correcting for variations in illumination in images.
BspImage - using binary trees to subdivide an image using image variance.
- GLwords
- A collection of words that relate to light and start with the
letters "GL".
- Matrix Operations for Image processing
- Using 4 by 4 matricies to manipulate color images.
- A Note on Units of Time
- Did you know that a day consists of 46,656,000,000 moments?
- Synthetic Marbled Paper
- Creating marbled paper using a series of 2D mapping functions.
- StyLine and Hatch
- Several techniques for creating stylized hidden line drawings of 3D
geometric objects. A method for creating hatched shading is also shown.
- 6 Point Perspective
- A way of making 360 degree fish eye pictures of 3D geometry.
- Making and Using Environment Maps
- Ways of using wide angle lenses or mirrored spheres to
make cubical environment maps. Fold-up paper cubical environment
images will also be available.
- TinyPix
- Exploring the limits or tiny picture printing.
- Parametric Manufacture
- Using laser cutting, fax, and mail order to support desktop
design and manufacture.
- Reverse Story Boards
- Going from film or video to arrays of still images.
- Perfect Polka Dot Patterns
- Using toroidal Poisson disk distributions to generate perfect
polka dot patterns.
- PixDump
- Making arbitrary binary files visible as arrays of pixels. This can
be used to view UNIX executables, the file system and more.
- NetWatch
- A simple program for visualizing network traffic on the IRIS.
- NoiseWarp
- Using Perlin noise functions to warp images.
- ChromaBlur
- A demonstration of how color perception works.
- Weave
- An interactive weaving simulator.
- StretchEncode
- Using geometric distortions to print several messages in one area.
- WhitePoint
- See how your visual system adapts to different lighting
This is a publication of GRAFICA Obscura.