Buying used SGI systems, not refurbished by SGI

When buying used computers, understanding your total costs can save you a great deal of money in the long run. Here are some important questions to ask.
- Are the system's boards at SGI's latest revision levels? If you wish to bring the system under an SGI Support Contract, the system must be updated to current revision levels at time and materials rates. A system which is under an active SGI Support Contract is exempted from this requirement. All systems remanufactured by SGI are updated to the latest revision level.
- Does the system have a new monitor, keyboard and mouse? These are the most frequent failure items in an older system. When they fail, they can be replaced from SGI's Spares Price List. On every remanufactured workstation, SGI puts a new keyboard and mouse, and on most systems, a new monitor.
- Is there a warranty on the system you plan to purchase? Who stands behind the warranty? Are they an authorized SGI service provider? SGI's warranty includes a 90 day factory replacement on all parts, including the entire system if necessary. The 90 day warranty also includes access to SGI's Technical Assistance Center staffed by experts in UNIX, graphics, languages and networking.
- Is the Operating System Software at SGI's latest revision
level? The latest applications in the market run on SGI's
newer revision levels of software. A system without a registered
license for the latest release can result in significant additional
costs for you. We make sure that you can take advantage of those
applications and latest features by shipping the latest factory
software in all remanufactured systems.
- Will the system work with existing SGI systems?
When you buy from SGI you are assured that the system will work as
it is supposed to. We do extensive compatibility testing with all
the configurations we have sold to back this up.
An SGI system, even a used system, is a significant investment. You
want to make sure your decision is a thoughtful one. Your
productivity and reputation are at stake and we are concerned about
that. That's why we are in business.